Bears Potapych and Dina

Potapych and Dina

It was an emergency rescue.Their former home was destroyed by rocket fire from the frontline in Ukraine


Our onsite team has received an urgent request to support with an intake of two bears from a private Zoopark Bilyts'ke in Bilytske, Donetsk area. The facility was hit by rockets end of September and again in October. Luckly Natalia Popova, founder of the wild animal rescue station Wild Animal Rescue near Kyiv, managed to successfully rescue the two bears.

Potapych was transported directly from the private Zoopark to our sanctuary, while Dina had found temporary shelter at White Rock Shelter.

Fortunately, the transport of both bears was successful, despite all the war implications, and we are happy to announce their safe arrival to our sanctuary. However, this won’t be their final destination. As soon as the paperwork for the transfer is ready, the two bears will be brought to their forever home called the Bear Forest in the Netherlands.

Bears were examined and treated by our local vet team. All the necessary X-rays were taken, including their teeth. An infected wound of unknown origin on Potapych's right hind leg was detected in time. It was treated, and now the bear is receiving all the necessary medical attention. The vet check went well, however both bears will need further treatments in the future. Both bears are doing great at our sanctuary and are enjoying their forest enclosure to the fullest.

They have a good appetite. So far, Dina likes mandarins, grapes, and fish, Potapych likes apples and eggs the most.  

Stay tuned for more updates on our Social Media.

Facts about Potapych and Dina

  • They are enjoying their forest enclosure to the fullest
  • Both of them have a good appetite

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