The female brown bear came to our sanctuary in November 2019
Mashtuka had a sad life before she was rescued. She had been used as bait at a hunting station where she was regularly attacked by dogs being trained to hunt.
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Mashutka in her new home
At the BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr, Bear Mashutka adapted quickly to her new home. Her caretakers think that she is very smart, persistent, playful and active.
Mashutka definitely likes observing and discovering her territory, and she will play with any object she'll find in her enclosure. This might include trees, branches, roots and all kinds of different enrichment, and she also loves to run and dig.
After a long observation of both her and neighbouring bear, Tyson's behaviors, the team on site along with many pre-preparations, decided to take the big step and open the door between the enclosure of Tyson and Mashutka.
Now the bears live happily and calmly together in one enclosure.
Facts about Mashutka
- Her favourite foods are tomatoes
- Mashutka is a very smart and persistent bear
- She lives with bear Tyson