Bear Vova


From a restaurant bear into a cheerful inhabitant of our sanctuary 


The male brown bear came to our sanctuary on March 23rd, 2022 and since then, his life took a completely different turn.  

While living in captivity, bear Vova has had a very difficult life. He had nothing but a concrete floor and bars around him. His cage was located next to a restaurant in Khmelnitsky region in Western Ukraine. On the 23rd of March, Vova`s life changed forever when a team of external FOUR PAWS partners rescued him and brought him to our BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr. Now, Vova lives the life he truly deserves, in a species-appropriate home.  

Here, he has a big enclosure in his disposal, and his routine is enriched with a nice pool, special enrichment and lots of trees, that he loves  to forage during the day.  

UPDATE: April 2022

Vova is like a different bear already! He is very relaxed and enjoys all the new activities to the fullest at his new home. He weights around 300 kg but that doesn`t stop him for playing with all kinds of enrichment he can find in his enclosure. Despite the age and weight, he plays like he was a bear cub! He is seen often playing with a log, and spending a lot of time rolling on the ground while having fun with his new toys that he discovers every day at the sanctuary.  

He is already using his pool for swimming and it has become one of his favourite activities. He also has great appetite and especially enjoys eating peanuts and carrots.  

Currently, one of Vova`s neighbor is bear Martha, and he is showing some interest on her. As the mating season is approaching, that is normal, however, it also shows that there`s hope that one day he might get socialized with one of the bears at the sanctuary. 

facts about bear vova

  • Born in 2002
  • Enjoys a long nap during the day
  • His favourite treats are peanuts and carrots
  • Curious and playful

Please support bear Vova

In his new home, he can now rest in an environment suited to his species.

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